Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracStandalone

Apr 6, 2011, 2:17:33 AM (14 years ago)



  • TracStandalone

    v2 v3  
    11= Tracd =
    3 Tracd is a lightweight standalone Trac web server. In most cases it's easier to setup and runs faster than the [wiki:TracCgi CGI script].
     3Tracd is a lightweight standalone Trac web server.
     4It can be used in a variety of situations, from a test or development server to a multiprocess setup behind another web server used as a load balancer.
    56== Pros ==
    78 * Fewer dependencies: You don't need to install apache or any other web-server.
    8  * Fast: Should be almost as fast as the [wiki:TracModPython mod_python] version (and much faster than the [wiki:TracCgi CGI]).
     9 * Fast: Should be almost as fast as the [wiki:TracModPython mod_python] version (and much faster than the [wiki:TracCgi CGI]), even more so since version 0.12 where the HTTP/1.1 version of the protocol is enabled by default
    910 * Automatic reloading: For development, Tracd can be used in ''auto_reload'' mode, which will automatically restart the server whenever you make a change to the code (in Trac itself or in a plugin).
    1112== Cons ==
    13  * Fewer features: Tracd implements a very simple web-server and is not as configurable or as scalable as Apache HTTPD.
     14 * Fewer features: Tracd implements a very simple web-server and is not as configurable or as scalable as Apache httpd.
    1415 * No native HTTPS support: [ sslwrap] can be used instead,
    1516   or [ stunnel -- a tutorial on how to use stunnel with tracd] or Apache with mod_proxy.
    4041To exit the server on Windows, be sure to use {{{CTRL-BREAK}}} -- using {{{CTRL-C}}} will leave a Python process running in the background.
     43== Installing as a Windows Service ==
     45=== Option 1 ===
     46To install as a Windows service, get the [ SRVANY] utility and run:
     48 C:\path\to\instsrv.exe tracd C:\path\to\srvany.exe
     49 reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tracd\Parameters /v Application /d "\"C:\path\to\python.exe\" \"C:\path\to\python\scripts\\" <your tracd parameters>"
     50 net start tracd
     53'''DO NOT''' use {{{tracd.exe}}}.  Instead register {{{python.exe}}} directly with {{{}}} as a parameter.  If you use {{{tracd.exe}}}, it will spawn the python process without SRVANY's knowledge.  This python process will survive a {{{net stop tracd}}}.
     55If you want tracd to start automatically when you boot Windows, do:
     57 sc config tracd start= auto
     60The spacing here is important.
     62For Windows 7 User, srvany.exe may not be an option, so you can use [ WINSERV] utility and run:
     64"C:\path\to\winserv.exe" install tracd -displayname "tracd" -start auto "C:\path\to\python.exe" c:\path\to\python\scripts\ <your tracd parameters>"
     66net start tracd
     69=== Option 2 ===
     71Use [ WindowsServiceScript], available at [ Trac Hacks]. Installs, removes, starts, stops, etc. your Trac service.
    4373== Using Authentication ==
    50 sudo htpasswd -c /path/to/env/.htpasswd username
     80 $ htpasswd -c /path/to/env/.htpasswd username
    5282then for additional users:
    54 sudo htpasswd /var/www/html/.htpasswd-users username2
    55 }}}
    56 then for starting the tracd:
     84 $ htpasswd /path/to/env/.htpasswd username2
     86then for starting the tracd (on windows skip the "=" after --basic-auth):
    5888tracd -p 8080 --basic-auth=environmentname,/fullpath/environmentname/.htpasswd,/fullpath/environmentname /fullpath/environmentname
     91 `environmentname` is the directory name of the Trac project folder, as opposed to `/fullpath/environmentname` which is the full path to the Trac project folder. See below for another example.
    6293Tracd provides support for both Basic and Digest authentication. The default is to use Digest; to use Basic authentication, replace `--auth` with `--basic-auth` in the examples below. (You must still specify a dialogic "realm", which can be an empty string by trailing the BASICAUTH with a comma.)
    6495  ''Support for Basic authentication was added in version 0.9.''
    66 The general format for using authentication is:
    68 {{{
    69  $ tracd -p port --auth=base_project_dir,password_file_path,realm project_path
     97The general format for using authentication is (replace `--auth` with `--basic-auth` if you want to use Basic auth):
     100 $ tracd -p port --auth="base_project_dir,password_file_path,realm" project_path
    74  * '''base_project_dir''' is the base directory of the project; note: this doesn't refer to the project name, and it is case-sensitive even for windows environments
    75  * '''password_file_path''' path of the password file
    76  * '''realm''' realm
    77  * '''project_path''' path of the project
    79 Example:
     105 * '''base_project_dir''': the base directory of the project specified as follows:
     106   * when serving multiple projects: ''relative'' to the `project_path`
     107   * when serving only a single project (`-s`): the name of the project directory
     108 Don't use an absolute path here as this won't work. ''Note:'' This parameter is case-sensitive even for environments on Windows.
     109 * '''password_file_path''': path to the password file
     110 * '''realm''': the realm name (can be anything)
     111 * '''project_path''': path of the project
    82116 $ tracd -p 8080 \
    83    --auth=project1,/path/to/users.htdigest, /path/to/project1
    84 }}}
    85 Of course, the digest file can be be shared so that it is used for more than one project:
     117   --auth="project1,/path/to/passwordfile," /path/to/project1
     120Of course, the password file can be be shared so that it is used for more than one project:
    87122 $ tracd -p 8080 \
    88    --auth=project1,/path/to/users.htdigest, \
    89    --auth=project2,/path/to/users.htdigest, \
     123   --auth="project1,/path/to/passwordfile," \
     124   --auth="project2,/path/to/passwordfile," \
    90125   /path/to/project1 /path/to/project2
    93 Another way to share the digest file is to specify "*"
    94 for the project name:
     128Another way to share the password file is to specify "*" for the project name:
    96130 $ tracd -p 8080 \
    97    --auth=*,/path/to/users.htdigest, \
     131   --auth="*,/path/to/users.htdigest," \
    98132   /path/to/project1 /path/to/project2
    101 == How to set up an htdigest password file ==
     135=== Using a htpasswd password file ===
     136This section describes how to use `tracd` with Apache .htpasswd files.
     138To create a .htpasswd file use Apache's `htpasswd` command (see [#GeneratingPasswordsWithoutApache below] for a method to create these files without using Apache):
     141 $ sudo htpasswd -c /path/to/env/.htpasswd username
     143then for additional users:
     145 $ sudo htpasswd /path/to/env/.htpasswd username2
     148Then to start `tracd` run something like this:
     151 $ tracd -p 8080 --basic-auth="projectdirname,/fullpath/environmentname/.htpasswd,realmname" /fullpath/environmentname
     154For example:
     157 $ tracd -p 8080 --basic-auth="testenv,/srv/tracenv/testenv/.htpasswd,My Test Env" /srv/tracenv/testenv
     160''Note:'' You might need to pass "-m" as a parameter to htpasswd on some platforms (OpenBSD).
     162=== Using a htdigest password file ===
    103164If you have Apache available, you can use the htdigest command to generate the password file. Type 'htdigest' to get some usage instructions, or read [ this page] from the Apache manual to get precise instructions.  You'll be prompted for a password to enter for each user that you create.  For the name of the password file, you can use whatever you like, but if you use something like `users.htdigest` it will remind you what the file contains. As a suggestion, put it in your <projectname>/conf folder along with the [TracIni trac.ini] file.
    105166Note that you can start tracd without the --auth argument, but if you click on the ''Login'' link you will get an error.
    107 == Generating Passwords Without Apache ==
     168=== Generating Passwords Without Apache ===
    109170If you don't have Apache available, you can use this simple Python script to generate your passwords:
    113174from optparse import OptionParser
    114 import md5
     175# The md5 module is deprecated in Python 2.5
     177    from hashlib import md5
     178except ImportError:
     179    from md5 import md5
     180realm = 'trac'
    116182# build the options
    121187parser.add_option("-p", "--password",action="store", dest="password", type = "string",
    122188                  help="the password to use")
     189parser.add_option("-r", "--realm",action="store", dest="realm", type = "string",
     190                  help="the realm in which to create the digest")
    123191(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    126194if (options.username is None) or (options.password is None):
    127195   parser.error("You must supply both the username and password")
     196if (options.realm is not None):
     197   realm = options.realm
    129199# Generate the string to enter into the htdigest file
    130 realm = 'trac'
    131 kd = lambda x: md5.md5(':'.join(x)).hexdigest()
     200kd = lambda x: md5(':'.join(x)).hexdigest()
    132201print ':'.join((options.username, realm, kd([options.username, realm, options.password])))
    138 python -u username -p password >> c:\digest.txt
    139 tracd --port 8000 --auth=proj_name,c:\digest.txt,trac c:\path\to\proj_name
    140 }}}
    142 Note: If you would like to use --basic-auth you need to use htpasswd tool from apache server to generate .htpasswd file. The remaining part is similar but make sure to use empty realm (i.e. coma after path). When using on Windows make sure to use -m option for it (did not tested it on *nix, so not sure if that is the case there).  If you do not have Apache, [trac:source:/tags/trac-0.11b2/contrib/] may help.  (Note that it requires a `crypt` or `fcrypt` module; see the source comments for details.)
     207 $ python -u username -p password >> c:\digest.txt
     208 $ tracd --port 8000 --auth=proj_name,c:\digest.txt,trac c:\path\to\proj_name
     212Note: If you would like to use --basic-auth you need to use htpasswd tool from apache server to generate .htpasswd file. The remaining part is similar but make sure to use empty realm (i.e. coma after path). Make sure to use -m option for it.  If you do not have Apache, [trac:source:/tags/trac-0.11/contrib/] may help.  (Note that it requires a `crypt` or `fcrypt` module; see the source comments for details.)
    144214It is possible to use md5sum utility to generate digest-password file using such method:
    146 echo -e "${user}:trac:${password}\c" | md5sum - >>to-file
    147 }}}
    148 and manually delete " -" from the end and add "${user}:trac:" to the start of line from 'to-file'. You can see for detail.
     216 $ printf "${user}:trac:${password}" | md5sum - >>user.htdigest
     218and manually delete " -" from the end and add "${user}:trac:" to the start of line from 'to-file'.
    150220== Tips ==
    152222=== Serving static content ===
    154 If `tracd` is the only webserver used for the project,
     224If `tracd` is the only web server used for the project,
    155225it can also be used to distribute static content
    156226(tarballs, Doxygen documentation, etc.)
    161231Example: given a `$TRAC_ENV/htdocs/software-0.1.tar.gz` file,
    162232the corresponding relative URL would be `/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz`,
    163 which in turn can be written using the relative link syntax
    164 in the Wiki: `[/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz]`
    166 The development version of Trac supports a new `htdocs:` TracLinks
    167 syntax for the above. With this, the example link above can be written simply
    168 `htdocs:software-0.1.tar.gz`.
     233which in turn can be written as `htdocs:software-0.1.tar.gz` (TracLinks syntax) or `[/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz]` (relative link syntax).
     235 ''Support for `htdocs:` TracLinks syntax was added in version 0.10''
    170237=== Using apache rewrite rules ===
    173240=== Serving a different base path than / ===
    174 Tracd supports serving projects with different base urls then /<project>. The parameter name to change this is
    175 {{{
    176 tracd --base-path=/some/path
     241Tracd supports serving projects with different base urls than /<project>. The parameter name to change this is
     243 $ tracd --base-path=/some/path
    180 See also: TracInstall, TracCgi, TracModPython, TracGuide
     247See also: TracInstall, TracCgi, TracModPython, TracGuide, [trac:TracOnWindowsStandalone?version=13#RunningTracdasservice Running tracd.exe as a Windows service], [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp], [trac:TracNginxRecipe]