= Repa (REgular PArallel arrays) = This is the developer's wiki for the Repa array library. Repa provides high performance, regular, multi-dimensional, shape polymorphic parallel arrays. All numeric data is stored unboxed. Functions written with the Repa combinators are automatically parallel provided you supply +RTS -Nwhatever on the command line when running the program. == Caveats == * Repa currently depends on the head branch of GHC to get decent performance. If you compile it with 6.12 then it'll run, but the programs will be more than 10x slower than normal. It's been tested with GHC > 6.13.20100309. * For performance reasons, we don't do bounds checking when indexing arrays. Indexing outside an array will likely cause heap corruption. * Repa means "turnip" in Russian. If you don't like turnips then this library probably isn't for you. == State of Play == This section records what the Repa developers are actively working on. If you're hacking on something Repa related then by all means add yourself here. Records are dropped off if they haven't been updated for more than a month. Ben (benl23) -- updated 7th May 2010 * I'm adding pictures showing the examples to the trac. * I'll also planning to write some more examples. I've got QR decomposition and a fluid flow solver in mind.