Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of WikiStart

Mar 29, 2011, 10:22:53 AM (14 years ago)
Ben Lippmeier



  • WikiStart

    v17 v18  
    44All numeric data is stored unboxed. Functions written with the Repa combinators
    55are automatically parallel provided you supply +RTS -Nwhatever on the command
    6 line when running the program.
    8 == Caveats ==
    9  * Repa currently depends on the head branch of GHC to get decent performance. If you compile it with 6.12 then it'll run, but the programs will be more than 10x slower than normal. It's been tested with GHC > 6.13.20100309.
    11  * For performance reasons, we don't do bounds checking when indexing arrays. Indexing outside an array will likely cause heap corruption.
    13  * Repa means "turnip" in Russian. If you don't like turnips then this library probably isn't for you.
     6line when running the program. Repa means "turnip" in Russian. If you don't like turnips then this library probably isn't for you.
    158== Download ==
    3932|| [[Image(WikiStart:lena-high2-thumb.jpg)]] || [[Image(WikiStart:pls-400x400-out-thumb.jpg)]] ||
    4033|| [wiki:Examples/Fft2dHighpass more info] || [wiki:Examples/Laplace more info] ||
     35== Demo ==
     36There is also an OSX demo that does edge detection on a video stream:
     38 * The [ source] should compile with XCode 3.2.1 and GHC 7.0.3, but you need to update and run the script to point it to your GHC install.
     39 * There are also prebuilt OSX i386 versions for [ two] [ four] and [ six] threads. These just have the corresponding +RTS -N# option baked in, you can set it in the main.m module. Some day I will make it so you can select this from the GUI.
     40 * If you don't have a Mac then you can watch a [ video] of me demonstrating it.
     41 * You can also run the edge detector over a single uncompressed .bmp file using the repa-canny program from the [ repa-examples] package.